Fave-Find Friday: Into the Woods

Woohoo, we made it to Friday! This weekend will be our last camping trip of the season, and we are pretty thrilled. We are heading to Portola Redwood State Park, and we might also eat some olallieberry pie at Duarte’s in Pescadero (a family favorite). If we get our act together we’ll share some of our campsite cooking successes on Monday.

The Leftovers Project - Camping

Have a great weekend! Enjoy some links…

Speaking of olallieberries, have you ever tried them?

Ever feel like this when you’re trying to make dinner? Heh.

This plum torte looks simple and delicious.

NY Times slideshow on food fighters.

Mind-bending photos that look fake but are actually real.

Zucchini rice and cheese gratin—yes, please.

CSA Wednesday: Week 25

The Leftovers Project - CSA

Yeahhhh summerrrrr…. Corn, yellow(!) watermelon, zucchini, tomatoes, peaches, garlic, and a painted serpent cucumber. This gives us an urge to make gazpacho, bruschetta, zucchini soup, roasted garlic spread on crusty bread, a peach crisp, grilled corn slathered in butter (basically, ALL the things), and then have a barbecue, at which point we would slurp up chunks of watermelon and feel the juice running down our chins and dripping onto our tan bare feet.