Fave-Find Friday

What’s everyone doing this weekend? We don’t have many plans, but hopefully we can take a long walk around Berkeley, get a little work done, and watch a movie. Enjoy!

The Leftovers Project

Spicy! And cool.

Yesterday we enjoyed a date night at Drake’s Dealership in Oakland. Personal pan pizzas and local brews for the win! Bay Area locals, have you checked out this new-ish place yet?

This simple pasta with broccoli looks delicious, and perfect for a weeknight. We might try it without anchovy.

Cooking as therapy.

Cheat sheet for homemade salad dressings.

This butternut squash galette looks amazing!

Fave-Find Friday: Labor Day Weekend

Got any fun plans for Labor Day? We’re going to a pizza grilling party and a birthday party. We’ve also decided it’s time to clean out and re-organize our cupboards and freezer. How’s that for an exciting weekend?

Here’s Megan’s second video from the Pacific Northwest trip last month. She got to see two of her best friends from college, almost exactly ten years after they first met on Move-In Day!

Lots of great links to peruse today…

How to make your own everything bagel spice.

How to Age Gracefully—such a delightfully touching video!

Love the Motherhood Around the World series on Cup of Jo! The most recent one on parenting in Cuba was especially interesting.

Teachers, need a laugh?

An old high school friend started this beautiful online shop of home items and gifts from around the world.

Need a healthy last-minute meal? Ingredients to keep in your freezer.

Fave-Find Friday: Vacaaaaay!

We are PUMPED for our upcoming family trip to Washington State. We’ll be ignoring the blog next week and heading up north, where we plan to hike, kayak, eat pizza, reconnect with some family, and stock up on our favorite salt. Have a great week!

The Leftovers Project - Russian River

Some links for ya:

Why we need more teachers of color.

Way to go, Target! … and Netflix, too! Wow, lots of good news.

Expiration dates are apparently bogus—here’s a guide to help.

Urban farm controversy in Berkeley.

The notorious RBG.

These roasted tomatoes look delicious. We might try this tonight and freeze them before we go.

Fave-Find Friday

The Leftovers Project

What’s everyone up to this weekend? Megan is CELEBRATING the end of the semester! And we are both excited to be seeing Book of Mormon in San Francisco. Lots of procrastination happened this week… here are a few favorites:

The value of used and loved cookbooks.

A food blogger confesses her love of frozen pizzas. (Our own confession: we kind of feel the exact same way about Trader Joe’s frozen pizzas.)

Vodka may be gross for drinking, but check out all these other cool things you can do with it.

Twelve restaurants in the East Bay made it onto Bauer’s list of the top 100 restaurants in the SF Bay Area!

Congrats, humans: our attention span is shorter than a goldfish’s.

Fave-Find Friday


We knew about scallions, but check out all these veggies you can re-grow!

Coffee as sunscreen? Excellent.

The most adorable cooking club, which has been running for over 124 years!

Ever wonder about the Golden Gate Bridge’s paint?

Grown-up mac & cheese.

A fun map. Which food does your state claim?

Gurrrl power. Love this. (Thanks, Kate.)

Pizza towel!

Happy weekend, friends. Have a great one.

Fave-Find Friday

Zoolander!!! Have a blue steel kind of weekend, friends.

What do you have planned? Joe has two gigs (rockstar), Megan needs to do some laundry and prep for SPRING BREAK (!!!) , and we are thinking maybe a field trip to taste some wine, enjoy a picnic, and breathe in some glimpses of the fabulous scenery.

An honest food magazine. Ha!

Poetry matters. A beautiful article on its power.

Foodnited States of America!

Mmm, spring on a pizza…dinner tonight?

Or maybe Indian? For science, obviously.

The Pizza That Almost Wasn’t

Almond Blossoms The Leftovers Project

As with most things, Joni sang it best: Don’t it always seem to go, that you don’t know what you got till it’s gone?

On Friday night, our beloved old oven died! We had made some delicious red sauce (this week’s recipe, below), preheated the oven and our pizza stone, rolled out our dough, torn our basil, stretched our burrata, drooled down our chins at the sight of it all, and then… no blast of heat when we opened the oven to slide in the pizza!

Quite the let-down.

Our oven is, or maybe was, an old white beauty/beast with multiple broilers, a griddle in between the burners, and a flap that stretches out to cover the burners if not in use (so, never). It’s also almost identical to Chandler and Joey’s.

chandler joey kitchen

In short, it’s pretty amazing. It deserves a moment of silence.

Since then we’ve wanted nothing but PIZZA, and all other food that requires an oven to prepare. (But of course!) We wrapped up that first pizza and stuck it in the freezer—we’ll let you know how that little experiment turns out soon enough—but we still had ingredients for a second pizza. We tried to think of things we could make without an oven. We even tried takeout. But by Sunday, after a day exploring the Capay Valley for its 100th annual Almond Festival (inspired by these beautiful photos), we could take it no longer: we had to try mini pizzas, on our darling mini pizza stones, in the toaster oven. They were kind of cute, though not nearly as nice as our full-sized pizzas in the past.

The Leftovers Project Mini Pizza

The Leftovers Project Mini Pizza

As you’ll notice, the cheese cooked much too quickly, and the dough cooked much too slowly. But the rich and sweet flavor of this super-simple sauce shined (shone?) through despite it all. We love the flavor of San Marzano tomatoes so much that we keep our other toppings simple: just burrata and fresh basil, plus a brushing of olive oil on the crust and a sprinkle of sea salt after baking.

Pizza Sauce The Leftovers Project

Here are a few more photos from our sunny, windy day in and around the almond festival, if you’d like to see.

Capay Valley Almond Festival - The Leftovers Project

Capay Valley Almond Festival - The Leftovers Project

Capay Valley Almond Festival - The Leftovers Project

The Leftovers Project

Simple Pizza Sauce (you can print this recipe here)


  • 2 to 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 cloves garlic, crushed and very roughly chopped
  • 12 fresh basil leaves, finely chopped
  • 1 28-ounce can crushed San Marzano tomatoes (or chop yourself)
  • 2 tablespoons (30 grams) balsamic vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons (30 grams) red wine vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons (30 grams) red wine
  • Salt, to taste (optional)


In a large pot, heat oil over low heat. Sauté garlic for one minute. Then add basil and cook for about thirty seconds more. Pour in tomatoes, their liquid, vinegar, and wine. Cook over low heat, covered with the lid ajar, for two hours or more, stir occasionally. Add salt if necessary.


The texture of the crushed San Marzano tomatoes is wonderful, but you can also buy them canned whole. We think it’s most important to get San Marzano tomatoes, so buy them in any form available, then skin and chop them if necessary. Use all their liquid.

This might seem like a lot of vinegar to add, but it adds a wonderful flavor and helps break down the sugars in the tomato. It also deepens the color.

Leftover sauce saves in the fridge for up to a week, and tastes great on pasta, too.