Summer Orzo Salad

The Leftovers Project - Summer Orzo Salad

Does it feel like summer yet in your neck of the woods? This light, wholesome orzo salad is a great way to celebrate the season (or to kickstart it, if you’re in need). Serve alongside your BBQ, tuck into a tupperware for a picnic, bring it to a neighborhood potluck, serve at a brunch or tea, or (let’s be honest) just scoop into a big bowl for dinner on a night when it’s too hot to cook. Wherever you take it, just plan to be asked for the recipe!

The Leftovers Project - Summer Orzo Salad

Megan’s mom shared this recipe with us awhile ago, and no one can remember where it came from. It is REALLY delicious, and so easy to make. Every time we make it, we seem to tweak the proportions a little, so the measurements below represent our current favorite combination—but to be perfectly honest, we sometimes just eyeball it. Which is to say, don’t fret too much about being exact.

The Leftovers Project - Summer Orzo Salad

While we encourage you to increase or decrease to your heart’s content, however, we want to also urge you not to skip, substitute, or add anything! We tend not to be such purists, but there’s a time for everything, right? Really, though, the combination of basil, arugula, apricots, feta, pine nuts, and lemon is just too perfect. Megan even has a secret: she eats this salad pretty carefully to make sure she has a bit of each ingredient in every forkful. It’s just that magical of an ensemble. Trust us.

The Leftovers Project - Summer Orzo Salad

It’s a good idea to cook the orzo a day ahead, or at least a few hours ahead, so it has time to cool. The mixed salad itself won’t hold up too long (the greens tend to get a little sad and wilty), but it’s still pretty tasty on the next day and edible even on the second, third, or fourth. The best way to make ahead or to have leftovers is to prep all the ingredients but wait to mix them until the day you will be serving the salad.

The Leftovers Project - Summer Orzo Salad

We enjoyed ours this weekend at a little picnic in our new favorite neighborhood park. We grilled some corn and veggies from this week’s CSA, a pork chop for Joe, and a lentil burger for Megan.

Summer Orzo Salad (print here)


  • 1 pound orzo
  • ½ cup (¼ cup plus ¼ cup) olive oil
  • 2 generous cups fresh arugula
  • ¾ cup crumbled feta cheese
  • ½ cup dried apricots, chopped
  • ½ cup fresh basil leaves, torn
  • ¼ cup toasted pine nuts, cooled (or more)
  • 3 tablespoons lemon juice (about the juice of one lemon)
  • Salt and pepper, to taste 


Cook the orzo as directed on the package. Drain and put onto a cookie sheet. To prevent sticking, drizzle it with ¼ cup of the olive oil (reserving the other ¼ cup for later), toss, spread out, and set aside to cool. If cooking the orzo ahead, store in in a closed container in the refrigerator after it has cooled completely. When you’re ready to make the salad, simply transfer the orzo to a large bowl and toss gently with the other ingredients.

Fave-Find Friday

The Leftovers Project

Hurray, we made it to Friday! Megan has been finished with her semester for awhile, but this is the first week that has truly felt like summer, so she spent it KonMari-ing her closet. Yep, it’s a verb now. Joe is working just as hard as ever, maybe only a little jealous of academic calendars.

This weekend we’ve decided we deserve some massages and a leisurely picnic. Ahhhh…. wishing you a relaxing weekend, too.

Some fun links:

Tiny kitchen, good advice.

Summer stain removal guide.

Food hats are too funny.

So is this: Airplane passengers as explained by their pants.

Purpose in life.

NYC vs. SF.

Required reading: a short story about privilege.

Bread boards for dinner. Pretty much every Sunday around here. Maybe we’ll upgrade to a DIY slate board.

Fave-Find Friday

Zoolander!!! Have a blue steel kind of weekend, friends.

What do you have planned? Joe has two gigs (rockstar), Megan needs to do some laundry and prep for SPRING BREAK (!!!) , and we are thinking maybe a field trip to taste some wine, enjoy a picnic, and breathe in some glimpses of the fabulous scenery.

An honest food magazine. Ha!

Poetry matters. A beautiful article on its power.

Foodnited States of America!

Mmm, spring on a pizza…dinner tonight?

Or maybe Indian? For science, obviously.