A Leftover Weekend

This weekend we didn’t do much cooking (which is why we don’t have a recipe to share), because we decided it was time to “shop” our own fridge and freezer. Here’s what we ate…

  • For a quick weeknight dinner, we defrosted some homemade pasta sauce from the last big batch we made (we typically make it like our pizza sauce, plus onions) to top a fresh pot of pasta.
  • Toward the end of last week, before the heat wave started here in California, we pulled some vegetarian chili out of the freezer, which was enough for two meals each.
  • Friday night we tried a new Mexican restaurant for take-out, then finished it up Saturday as burritos. (Joe tried his first horchata!)
  • We made a Sunday-morning frittata with leeks from our CSA and a simplified version of Joe’s breakfast potatoes, and we’ll eat some of the leftovers tomorrow.
  • For side dishes, we had lots of salads featuring CSA veggies.
  • This morning we had poached eggs on top of English muffins out of the freezer, plus some freezer jam we had just defrosted.

What leftovers did you eat this weekend? Our bellies are full and our freezer is organized—success!

Fave-Find Friday

What’s everyone up to this weekend? We are starting to meet doulas, and Megan is going to a baby shower for a colleague. We also want to try a popular Mexican place in Berkeley, La Mission, that has been on our to-do list for awhile.


A few links…

Why rich kids learn to like the taste of healthy foods.

Have you ever made mujadara? This recipe looks so good.

Roasted cabbage sounds like something we need to try!