Fave-Find Friday

This weekend is looking low-key for us… just the way we like it! We have schoolwork and housework to do as usual, plus some fun baby things, like starting our registry and trying a new prenatal yoga class. The little gal is moving up a storm, especially when Joe plays piano.

citrus olive oil cake

Speaking of pregnancy stuff, this was timely.

Made this olive oil cake last night with one of our CSA oranges. So moist and delicious—highly recommended!

Some beautiful thoughts on kids in the kitchen. Bookmarking for use in about 3 years.

A tip to stop crying while chopping onions (not sure about this…)

This week Megan burned her tongue and gave herself heartburn by eating too much pineapple. It was still worth it. But how crazy is THIS fact about pineapples?!

A fun and nerdy date night idea (which we’re trying out tomorrow before we make our registry!).

CSA Wednesday: Week 55

Our CSA newsletter today apologized for the lack of variety in the winter, but we really think they do a good job! We love that in a given week, we get lots of thing, and not too much of any of them—even if that means a little repetition week to week. Those of you with winter CSAs, how varied is your delivery?


This week: oranges, carrots, spinach, lettuce, pistachios, potatoes, and a spring onion. Not too shabby!

CSA Wednesday: Week 51


This week: oranges, apples, arugula, blue hubbard squash (any recipe recommendations?), carrots, spinach, and an enormous leek (barely fits in our fridge!).

Guess what, friends… This Friday we’re heading for a 20-week ultrasound, which means: (1) we’re almost halfway there and (2) we’ll most likely find out if little squirmy is a boy or a girl!

CSA Wednesday: Week 50

Hello again, friends! Happy New Year! Over the last few weeks we’ve been bouncing all over Berkeley, San Francisco, the Los Angeles area, Boston, Cape Cod, and southern Vermont. Today was Megan’s first day back at school. Sometimes it’s nice to get back to a routine, isn’t it?

CSA 1.20.16

This week’s CSA: broccoli, cabbage, a spring onion, mandarins, sweet potatoes, and walnuts.

Hope you’re having a great week! Stay warm and dry!