Fave-Find Friday

What’s going on this weekend? We have a barbecue, a brunch, and a whole lot of work to catch up on. Not quite as magical as last weekend in Yosemite, but sometimes you need a little normalcy, right?

ansel adams

A couple things that grabbed our attention this week:

Every weekend should be a three-day weekend (duh!). In Spain Megan never had class on Fridays, which was pretty typical. And awesome.

A van Gogh room on Airbnb.

These broccoli melts look so deliciously comforting for a cool evening.

Notes from the Master (is this what babies are really like?).

A sad, moving essay on being a girl (content warning: sexual violence).

On shopping for maternity clothes. Hilarious.

(photo from The Ansel Adams Gallery)

CSA Wednesday: Week 50

Hello again, friends! Happy New Year! Over the last few weeks we’ve been bouncing all over Berkeley, San Francisco, the Los Angeles area, Boston, Cape Cod, and southern Vermont. Today was Megan’s first day back at school. Sometimes it’s nice to get back to a routine, isn’t it?

CSA 1.20.16

This week’s CSA: broccoli, cabbage, a spring onion, mandarins, sweet potatoes, and walnuts.

Hope you’re having a great week! Stay warm and dry!