Fave-Find Friday

What’s going on this weekend? Not much for us besides catching up on all the essentials (schoolwork, housekeeping, and sleep). We’ve had a terrible heat wave in the Bay Area and are hoping for some cool breezes soon.

The Leftovers Project - Sunshine

Have a great weekend! Hope you enjoy some of our favorite finds this week:

A great Instagram to follow: @UglyFruitAndVeg (thanks, Bill).

A beautiful personal essay on Chez Panisse, Alice Waters, farming, food, and passion.

Feast your eyes: stair art from around the world.

An interactive map of fall foliage predictions. We are excited to be heading to a Vermont wedding right around peak time!

Fave-Find Friday

This weekend we are taking it easy. We’ll probably go to this rosé tasting, catch up on sleep, and get ahead on work. Hope you have a great one! What are you up to?

The Leftovers Project - Salt Point

Some smiles from around the web:

Don’t cry over spilled coffee—make art!

Not fun to think about, but wills have been on our adult to-d0 list for awhile. This looks like it could be an easy solution.

Kitchen cheat sheets.

An interesting idea for hummus. Has anyone tried it?

A new Berkeley restaurant to try.

Droooooling over these peanut butter dessert ideas.

Fave-Find Friday: CSA Wednesday (Week 28)

Well, can you tell we had a busy week around here? On top of that, it was a forgetful one too. Here’s what came in our CSA on Wednesday:

The Leftovers Project - CSA

(Not pictured: glorious tomatoes. Did I mention it was a forgetful week?)

This weekend we have not one but two parties: one for a birthday, another for a housewarming and engagement. Other than that, it’s a catch-up-and-maybe-get-ahead-too weekend. How about you?

A few things that caught our eye this week:

Ice cube hack!

What the food emojis really mean.

Beautiful vegetables.

Chef celebs (Bittman and Waters).

These 50-year marriages are touching.

Two kinds of people.

Happy weekend!

Fave-Find Friday

What are you doing this weekend? Tomorrow evening Megan will head home after spending some extra time with her family. If it’s sunny enough on Sunday, maybe we’ll have a picnic; if not maybe we’ll get some (more) spring cleaning done. Mostly just hoping for a little calm.

The Leftovers Project - Del Mar

Food in art is really beautiful.

Grammar mugs.

A hospitable host.

The pros and cons of raising the minimum wage.

Yay Oakland!

Penguin honeymoon. Penguins are the best.

It’s almost rosé season. Cheers to that!

Fave-Find Friday

Hey, it’s May! How did that happen?

This weekend we are heading out of town to celebrate Joe’s birthday! We’re both really looking forward to sneaking away to northern Sonoma County, where we plan to sip some wine, enjoy some tapas and picnics, rent a boat for a lazy and sunny afternoon, and catch up on sleep.

The Leftovers Project

Some fun things we’ve spotted this week…

Do you prefer to eat out or cook while traveling? Such a lovely little personal essay.

Last weekend we tackled the project of a gallery wall, and we are pleased with it every time we walk in the living room! Sadly, though, our couch is now looking in need of a little TLC. Maybe we’ll try this upholstery cleaner.

Art for all! This is so cool. As if we need more reasons to travel to Barcelona, Paris, or Portland.

Can’t wait for summer reading.

Happy Birthday, Joe! Wishing you all a relaxing weekend. We won’t be cooking this weekend, but we’ll (eventually) share some photos from our trip soon.

Fave-Find Friday

Man, Friday couldn’t come soon enough! It has been just a little challenging to get our work ethic and momentum back after spring break. Megan finally sorted through photos from her family trip to Istanbul, and made a little video. Would you like to see?

And, some links to brighten up your weekend! Hope it’s spectacular.

A great round-up of funny responses to Hillary’s candidacy.

This article on trying to be deeply good is really inspiring. Please read.

A Wes Anderson playlist? Yes, indeed.

Ben & Jerry’s is making beer! (P.S. Did you know that Joe and Megan met at a Ben & Jerry’s shop? It will always have a special place in our hearts.)

In keeping with the theme, cool illustrations of some of Istanbul’s landmarks.