CSA Wednesday: Week 1

Wednesdays are a special day around here, because our CSA (community-supported agriculture) box is delivered from Terra Firma Farm!


This week was a beautiful blend of greens and oranges: carrots, broccoli, butternut squash, mandarins, leeks, kale, and spinach. We joined Terra Firma’s CSA almost exactly a year ago, and every Wednesday feels like the most wonderful treat! Our CSA has been extremely convenient and reasonably priced; it has also encouraged us to try fruits and veggies that we normally wouldn’t buy. On CSA Wednesdays, we’ll show you our weekly loot, and maybe you can give us some suggestions for that weekend’s recipe.

We are firm believers in the importance of buying locally and knowing about where your food comes from, whenever feasible for you.  We have quite a few farmers in our family (Chandler and Leila at Hayshaker Farm in Washington; Joy and Kerry at Slowpoke Farm in Texas; Joe, Jody, and crew at Winter Family Farm in Texas), which brings it even closer to home for us.


Grandpa Bill even used to grow sweet, juicy tomatoes in small pots in his front yard!


Do you have a CSA? Is it year-round, or only during the summer? Do you shop at a farmer’s market? We would love to hear in the comments. And if you’re local, we highly recommend Terra Firma Farm. Pictured above is their “small” box in the winter—quite the bounty! Otherwise, it’s easy to look up a CSA or farmer’s market in your area.


Today is the first Sunday of 2015, and the first Sunday of The Leftovers Project. Thanks for joining us!

We are Joe and Megan, a young-ish couple living in the Bay Area. One omnivore and one vegetarian. One grad student and one musician. Excited about learning, travel, food, creativity, and all adventures great and small.

Each weekend we will test out a new recipe (or maybe an old favorite), designed to be our dinner for two that evening plus one meal per day for the rest of the work week. We will rate our outcomes, offer suggestions for variations throughout the week, tweak recipes to make them vegetarian (or not), and be honest when recipes don’t work. We welcome input along the way.

Our journey begins next weekend! We’ll see you here.