Fave-Find Friday: Heading East

New England, here we come! Joe’s already been in Vermont this week, waiting for Megan to join him. We have a special weekend ahead of us: a wedding in Vermont, a baby shower on Cape Cod, fiery reds and oranges to admire, and countless family and friends to hug and kiss.

The Leftovers Project

Have a lovely weekend! Some links:

These dictionary stories are so fun! Short stories composed from the New Oxford American Dictionary’s example sentences.

13 strangest restaurant spots in America. Do you know of any to add to this list?

Sad, sad news in Oregon. What did you think of President Obama’s challenge to the media to compare terrorism deaths and gun-violence deaths? The numbers are pretty staggering.

This broccoli soup looks amazing. Too bad it’s still in the 70s here…

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