Fave-Find Friday

The Leftovers Project

Hurray, we made it to Friday! Megan has been finished with her semester for awhile, but this is the first week that has truly felt like summer, so she spent it KonMari-ing her closet. Yep, it’s a verb now. Joe is working just as hard as ever, maybe only a little jealous of academic calendars.

This weekend we’ve decided we deserve some massages and a leisurely picnic. Ahhhh…. wishing you a relaxing weekend, too.

Some fun links:

Tiny kitchen, good advice.

Summer stain removal guide.

Food hats are too funny.

So is this: Airplane passengers as explained by their pants.

Purpose in life.

NYC vs. SF.

Required reading: a short story about privilege.

Bread boards for dinner. Pretty much every Sunday around here. Maybe we’ll upgrade to a DIY slate board.

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